Sunday, April 24, 2011


Dear Mr. Karl Fisch,
I read your article “The CSAP is Dead. Long Live (err, TCAP)” about the transition between CSAP and the new test being put in place on 2014. In your article it states that nobody will know if the test will show our children’s traits that parents want them to have. I am agreeing with what Mr. Fisch and Will Richardson are saying about nobody knows what this test will teach our students or if will teach them anything. Education these days needs a test that will truly show what students need help to improve on or the United States is going to fall farther back in education. People want to know how this test will show students best qualities and what they need to improve on and I am wondering how the test can do this? I have been taking CSAPs for as long as I can remember and I don’t see how they can change this new test the TCAP to help learn from the material. Hopefully I am wrong though and they can change how it works so it is a personalized test. Will this test help the students instead of just a school trying to be the best? But nobody knows. Students, parents, and teachers will just have to see if this test helps out the education of students in a positive way.

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