Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I read "Dang! I Just Missed It" by David Warlick an article about how education in the past needs to admit the mistakes it made and that our generation can learn from it. It was an article about seeing Mars with the naked eye as large as the moon, then people later learned that it all was just a big hoax. Warlick went on saying that in the 60s people didn’t question what they read, that what they read was always right, but that isn’t the case anymore there can be misleading facts such as saying you need a 75 magnification lens to see it as the size of the moon. Scientists also proved that we would die if Mars would be that close, the gravitational pole would kill and end life as we know it today. This mattered to me because peoples facts aren't always right and they might try to mislead me; so I need to pay attenetion to what is true and accurate to help maintain good grades. If students around the world are reading and taking in misleading facts then they won't learn true information that will help them learn the things they need to. The world needs to learn from the mistakes of the past and be taught to work on improving the facts of the future.


  1. Justin-

    This is a good start. Please take some time to hyperlink to the original article. Also, make sure you are proofreading your response as well. Good work.

  2. Looking down alot, seems that you might need to make your notes smaller and then go into detail.

  3. good job you stood up straight, pronounced everything clearly and i understood what the information from the text meant just by you standing up there speaking without me even reading the article

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think you did a good job on your presentation. It was the right length so it didn't get boring and it was on point the whole time. Great Job!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You had good posture. He did a good job at making you ponder and want to challenge what the media and literature is feeding us as a nation. I though he did a great job at keeping it straight forward and not confusing.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. good posture but you looked down a little to much good question it is a good conversation piece

  10. Your presentation went great! Nice artical and great speech.

  11. Good job you were well prepared and knew what you were talking about. Great question also.

  12. I think you did well because you had an amazing opener and conclusion; as well as, great posture.

  13. Over all your presentation was good, the final question was very deep and thought through. You need to memorize a little bit more because you looked at your note cards and stopped and started quite a bit.

  14. great presentation, it seemed like you kept the same tone and the same topic of the topic the whole time, good presentation overall.

  15. Pretty good but looked down a lot and wasn't fluent. Had good posture and a very good question.

  16. Had good posture during speech and liked queston at the end.

  17. You did a good job standing up straight and telling us everything clearly

  18. A little flat. It would have been more interesting if you had changed the tone of your voice durring your presentation.

  19. Justin, you are a great presenter. You did a great job of standing straight and going into detail. You did a good job of looking at the audience but you also looked at your notes a lot. You didn't fidget around and it made your presentation that much better. Your end question was deep and really made me think.

  20. You started out with a good sentence, you kinda read the card a little to much, your question was good at the end also.

  21. Great presentation Justin. I like the way you presented in general. You seemed prepared. Also, a good PLN4 project.

  22. Good jo b prensting your PLN 4, you had good posture and you where prepared to present it, and i could understand you the whole prestantion.

  23. Good job good posture next time make more eye conyact with the audience

  24. Good posture you should try to make more eye contact with the audeince

  25. it looked as though you practiced alot. You obviously read through the expectations a few times, and made sure that you had everything perfect. The only thing, was that you seemed a little nervouse, so try practicing to a family member or in the mirror.
